János Eifert - Photographer

The AUDIOVISUALGROUP The Royal Photographic Society’s presents János Eifert from Budapest at the RPS Centre of Photography, The Octagon, Bath, on Saturday 10th December, 1994.


 Eifert János bemutatkozása diaporáma-műsorával, Centre of Photography, The Octagon, Bath, UK, 1994. december 10.

 The AUDIOVISUALGROUP The Royal Photographic Society’s presents János Eifert from Budapest at the RPS Centre of Photography, The Octagon, Bath, on Saturday 10th December, 1994.

János Eifert is recognised today as one of the world’s greatest exponents of the art of audio-visual. He was a professional dancer for 17 years from the age of eighteen before turning to photography. He has held over 50 One-Man shows in Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, France, Canada, U.S.A., Latvia, U.S.S.R., and Italy (to name but ten!) . His Audio-visual sequences have won many international prizes including 7 First-in-Festival.

János performs his sequences by hand, without electronic synchronisation.


Introduction – There was once a Village – Replayed Time – Let me introduce my ex-wife


Masks – Situation Report – Fire Dance

 The Group renders special thanks to Paul Jozsa for translation and to
Shirley Markham for the loan of her equipment
