János Eifert - Photographer

Vinko Šebrek: Pay It Forward / Küldd tovább – a Kerengő Galéria 94. kiállítása, Budapest, 2011. január 7 – 28.

Sebrek-kiállítás-Eifert-megnyit Sebrek-kiállításmegnyitó-közönsége 

Vinko Šebrek kiállítás-megnyitó, középen: Lennert Géza Sebrek-kiállítás-megnyitó-07 , Tajti Eszter és Szentiváni János Vinko Šebrek kiállítás-megnyitó

Sebrek-kiállítás-megnyitó-06 Vinko Šebrek kiállítás-megnyitó Móger Ildikó, Vinko Sebrek, Török Jolán igazgatónő Kapusi György, Vinko Sebrek, Eifert

Eifert-rendez Dolenčić Davor, a rendezésben segédkezett Kotsis-Ágota-Eifert-János Kotsis Ágota és Stanislava Šebrek

Képek a megnyitóról és az előkészületekről (Dolenčić Davor, Juhász László, Stanislava Šebrek, Kapusi György és Eifert János felvételei )


A Nemzeti Táncszínház és a Fotoklub Zagreb tisztelettel meghívja Önt

Vinko Šebrek: Pay It Forward (Küldd tovább) című kiállítására, amelyet Eifert János fotóművész nyit meg 2011. január 7-én, 18:00 órakor a Kerengő Galériában. Köszöntőt mond Neda Milišić,  a budapesti Horvát Nagykövetség kultúrattaséja

A kiállítás megtekinthető január 28-ig, hétköznap 11:00-18:00-ig, hétvégén 13:00-18:00 között, előadás napokon 21:00 óráig. (Nemzeti Táncszínház, 1014 Budapest I., Színház utca 1–3.)

Vinko Šebrek a Kerengő Galéria 94. kiállításának művésze

A vizuális művészetekkel, köztük a fotóművészettel foglalkozó művészettörténészek mondják, hogy a fotográfia megszületésétől napjainkig az egyik leggazdagabb művészi kifejezőeszköz Közép-Európában. A 20. század első évtizedeiben Pozsony, Prága, Varsó, Budapest, Zágráb és Ljubljana az intellektuális avantgárd gyűjtőpontjai voltak. A közép-európai régióban, több országban és városban működtek olyan műhelyek, amelyek tevékenységükkel, egyéni látásmódjukkal hatással voltak a nemzetközi fotográfiai közegre. Vinko Šebrek (1941-) éppen olyan környezetben érett nemzetközileg elismert alkotóvá, amelyben a haladó hagyományok és a kortárs irányzatok nemes ötvözete érvényesülhetett. Fotográfiai életműve a dokumentációs képektől a sajtófotókon át a művészi felvételekig terjed. Témáit a mindennapi életben, a természetben, az építészetben, a városképekben találja meg, de készít aktfelvételeket, csendéleti képeket és portrékat is. Életművéhez azonban nemcsak fotográfiai tevékenysége tartozik. Behatóan tanulmányozta a híres hazai és nemzetközi fotóművészek munkáit, valamint a vizuális művészetekkel, és a fényképészet történetével, elméletével foglalkozó szakirodalmat is. Írásai, kritikái megjelennek fotómagazinokban és napilapokban, de katalógusokban és internetes oldalakon is. Közösségi szervező aktivitását is érinteni szükséges, hiszen a 150 éves Fotoklub Zagreb elnökeként, majd örökös tiszteletbeli elnökeként sokat tett a fotográfia társadalmi elismertetéséért, a nemzeti és nemzetközi erővonalak dinamikus mozgásba hozásáért. A Zágrábi Szalon főszervezőjeként pedig egy fontos nemzetközi fórum létrehozását és világszerte elismert működtetését segítette.

Köszöntjük Vinko Šebrek-et 70. születésnapja alkalmából, és köszönjük neki, hogy a Kerengő Galéria 94. kiállító művészeként olyan értéket mutat be, amit mi tekintünk nagy ajándéknak.

Eifert János fotóművész, a Kerengő Galéria művészeti vezetője



Curriculum vitae


Vinko Šebrek is a photographer, a writer of photo and critical reviews, initiator and organizer of the Club’s life in the environments he lived and worked in, inexhaustible initiator of photo activities within photographic associations and diligent promoter of inter-club and international cooperation of photo artists and photo associations.


He is the honorary president of Fotoklub Zagreb, member of the Steering Committee of Fotoklub Zagreb, member of the Executive Board of Zagreb photo-cinema Federation and a representative in the Croatian photo Federation Assembly. He is also a honorary member of the fallowing photo associations: Photo club Maribor, Slovenia; Centre of visual arts Batana, Rovinj, Croatia; Photo society Svit, Celje, Slovenia; Photo society Photo group 75,  Gorica, Italy and of Photo club Nufarul, Oradea, Romania.


He was born on January 17th 1941 in the village Šebreki, nearby Karlovac in the Republic of Croatia. He completed his primary and secondary education in Karlovac (at 1960), graduated from the Military Air force Academy in Zadar (1965) and finally Political School (1970) and High Political Military School in Belgrade (1974). He spent his carrier in the Air force of the former Yugoslavia (until 1991), and afterwards in the Croatian Air force and Air Defence of the sovereign state of Croatia (until 2005) as the officer in the CAF Command and the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces. He was retired at 2005 as the senior officer of the Air Force (with the rank of colonel). He lives with his family in Brežice, Republic of Slovenia.


For more than 50 years he worked on developing, upgrading and promoting the culture and technological culture, especially in the air force field and in the area of photography as the technical and art discipline. He spent most of his work-time in photo associations, societies and federations, covering the organizational and programming fields, being responsible for various professional duties and tasks. Everything he has done during his long photo artistic life was amateur and voluntary.


He discovered his photography interest during the 2nd year of the High school (at 1958), within the photo group at Fotoklub Karlovac, which operated in the Industrial High School. From the very beginning he approaches to photography dually, with curiousness, sincerely and beyond stereotype, as the play, and from the other side very seriously – studying the work of the famous domestic and international photographers, expert literature and the literature from the fields of visual arts, history, theory and philosophy of photography.  After completed the High school he was active within the photo groups at the Air Force Academy, and later on within various photo groups in the places he lived in while serving his military duties. The longest he stayed at Brežice, Slovenia (1971-1991) and in Zagreb, Croatia (1985-2005). He was the president of Photo-cinema club Brežice for 10 years (1974-1984), the member of the Executive Board of Photo federation of Slovenia, as well as the member of many boards and commissions of the Federation.


He became the member of Fotoklub Zagreb at 1995, and as the proved animator and organizer he has been soon   elected the president of Fotoklub Zagreb during the three mandates, until the March 2010.  His work within Fotoklub Zagreb is the most active period of his photographic life, work and creation. Environment like Zagreb gives a chance for learning, developing and a certain impulse for creation, facts that Šebrek recognized and knew how to exploit.


As the president of Fotoklub Zagreb, together with his co-workers, he succeeded in restoring and enhancing the work of the Club in very short period of time. He reformed and restructured the famous Photo club, in which the photo spirit was almost gone forever.  He revived and improved its activities, imported some new contents – education, art, publishing, he promoted photography as the media and as the technical and art discipline, developing cooperation with many photographers and clubs from Zagreb, Croatia and Abroad.


Today, Fotoklub Zagreb gathers more than 200 mostly younger members.  Period of his guidance as the president of Fotoklub Zagreb is called The Third golden age of the Zagreb art photography.  The oldest Croatian Photo club became a respectable assembly of the most eminent photo artists soon becoming, by its ideas and hard work, the one of the most prominent society of that type in Croatia.


By the end of his third mandate as the president, Fotoklub Zagreb Assembly awarded Vinko Šebrek with the rank of honorary president of Fotoklub Zagreb, and the Charter which stated: “….as the symbol of appreciation and gratitude for significant successes, achievements and merit while leading and reforming the Club as the president from 1997 until 2010, for inventing and managing artistic, cultural and educative programmes, for creating and maintaining recognized  identity of the Club, as well as for exceptional contribution in enhancing, affirmation and promotion of the Club’s reputation in Croatia and abroad”. During the 118 years of Fotoklub Zagreb such a high ranking acknowledgment was given to only two more distinguished photo artists and long term presidents – Tošo Dabac and Đuro Griesbach.


Photography is Šebrek’s internal force; it’s his joy and represents his style and a way of life. He is in the constant movement, overwhelmingly curious. Šebrek is the pioneer of the whole-life self education, he constantly learns trying to implement the new knowledge into his work using his imagination and   his cameras.  During the High school he started to exhibit its images at various competitions, organizing more than 30 individual exhibitions and participating at more than 100 collective exhibitions at Home and abroad. Presentation of his work is very important to him, it keeps him learning, searching and creating. He emphasizes his most important individual exhibitions, like ones in Jakarta, Nottingham, Kyoto, Graz, Brežice, Celje, Maribor, Oradea and finally Zagreb, supported – as he always stresses – by many officials and cultural enthusiasts from the City Office for Education, Culture and Sports of Zagreb, Zagreb photo-cinema Federation, Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Indonesia, Nottingham University from the Great Britain, Photo society Dynamic from Graz – Austria, Photo Federation from Japan, photo clubs from Maribor, Celje and Mladinski centar from Brežice – Slovenia, Photo club Nufarul from Oradea – Romania and the last  but not least Fotoklub Zagreb, as well as by many co-workers from his Club and his friends. He was constantly supported by his family, special his spouse Stanislava, being his strength and his encouragement.


Photographic opus of Vinko Šebrek is rather wide; it goes back to documentary, journalistic and art photography. He looks for the motives in common life, landscape, architecture or in the construction achievements, city views, nudes, nature and portrait. He loves travelling finding his motives in many urban and rural surroundings of the counties he visits. His primary authoring attitude is the truth; he doesn’t like manipulations and correction of reality, he freezes moments, scenes and events placing them into his images and transforming them into trapped movement, breath, colour, content leading them into eternal world of art. He also writes for photo magazines and daily newspapers, at the same time publishing exhibition reviews in number of catalogues and Web sites. He participated in editing and reviewing of three books and of Fotoklub Zagreb monography.  For exceptional contribution in developing and promoting the culture and technological culture, especially in the field of photographic art, he was awarded many decorations, rewards and prizes, including:


–      In former Yugoslavia:  Labour medal with golden chaplet (1984 – President of the former Yugoslavia), Technological culture Award Boris Kidrič (1979 – Presidency of the Socialist federation of Slovenia) Silver plaquette Janez Puhar (1979) and Golden plaquette  Janez Puhar (1983 – Photo association of Slovenia), Municipality Brežice reward  (1985), Municipality Krško reward (1988), and many more written mentions and acknowledgments given from various vocational, local and national governmental bodies, for overall work on spreading and promoting technological  and photographic culture

–      In the Republic of Croatia:  two decorations of the President of the Republic of Croatia – Order of the Croatian Trefoil (1996) and Order of the Early Croatian three-strand pattern (1998); Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia  awarded him with National award Faust Vrančić  for the year 2009 (2010); Croatian Association of Technological Culture rewarded him with the Charter of Croatian Association of Technological Culture (2009); Zagreb Association of  Technological Culture  rewarded him with the Life awarddr. Oton Kučera (2006); Fotoklub Zagreb rewarded him with Tošo Dabac prize – for the overall photographic achievement (2005.); at numerous national and international competitions Vinko Šebrek  was awarded with more than 40 prizes and mentions.


And to conclude, Vinko Šebrek has, during more than 50 years of his work, significantly contributed to the functioning and performing of photo  societies and its members, especially to creating and maintaining recognizable identity of Fotoklub Zagreb, as well as the overall affirmation of photo amateur movement in Zagreb, in the Republic of Croatia and worldwide.


Fotoklub Zagreb Steering Committee

Zagreb 25th February 2010