János Eifert - Photographer

Romain Nero, EFIAP/s, ESFIAP, HonFLPA (Luksemburg / Luxembourg) razstava fotografij »Trenutki in prostori«, Sreda, 3. aprila ob 19. uri v galeriji Kranjske hiše. Kranj, Szlovénia, 2013. április 3.

2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhibition-opening-05 (Photo: Eifert János) 2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhibition-opening-03 (Photo: Eifert János) 2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhibition-opening-01 (Photo: Eifert János) 2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhibitopening-05 (Photo: Eifert János)

Romain Nero, EFIAP/s, ESFIAP, HonFLPA (Luksemburg / Luxembourg) razstava fotografij »Trenutki in prostori«, Sreda, 3. aprila ob 19. uri v galeriji Kranjske hiše

2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-Vasja-Doberlet (Photo: Eifert János) 2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhibition-opening-06 (Photo: Eifert János) Eifert János felvételei

2013.04.03.-Romain-Nero-exhib.opening-02 (Photo: Eifert János)

Romain Nero rojen je bil leta 1967 v Esch/Alzette, Luksemburgu, s fotografijo se ukvarja od svojega devetnajstega leta. Ko se je seznanil z osnovami analogne fotografije se je spoznal tudi s celovitimi procesi izdelave barvnih in črno belih fotografij. Tako so bile narejene njegove prve reportaže s popotovanj po Aziji, Afriki, Evropi in Severni Ameriki. Ob včlanjenju v lokalni foto kluv1998 je razširil svoje fotografsko znanje Romain Nero, EFIAP/s, ESFIAP, HonFLPA (Luksemburg / Luxembourg) studijske fotografije. Z vključitvijo v fotografski klub si je tudi odprl pot k udeležbi na mednarodnih razstavah predvsem takih s FIAP in PSA pokroviteljstvom. Njegove fotografije so bile nagrajene na fotografskih razstavah po celem svetu, kar mu je omogočilo, da je pri FIAP postopoma pridobil visoke fotografske naslove. Leta dolgo uspešno pridobivanje izkušenj na fotografskih salonih ga je naredilo tudi zahtevnega žiranta fotografskih razstav. Samostojne in skupinske razstave so pomemben Romainovega dela. Vsako leto razstavlja v Luksemburgu in imel je priložnost, da pokaže svoja dela širši publiki na razstavah v Belgiji, Franciji, Nemčiji, Nizozemski, Romuniji in na Slovaškem. Deset Romainovih fotografij sestavlja državno kolekcijo 69 slik Luksemburga (“Collection Nationale of Luxembourg”), ki se jih od leta 2007 naprej razstavlja po svetu. Seveda, ni potrebno posebej omeniti, Romain je že dolgo uporabnik digitalnih tehnologij v fotografiji. “Trenutki in prostori” je projekt, ki je pred leti začel v Berlinu. Cilj je bil ujeti posameznika v prostranosti in/ali omejenem področju v katerem biva. “Študija dreves” so fotografski esej kjer harmonizira žensko telo s strukturami narave.

Romain Nero: Vožnja-po-Berlinu-Segwayride-in-Berlin Romain-Nero_Bicikli-I-Vélos-I

Romain Nero born in Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg in 1967, Romain Nero took up photography in the early nineties. After getting familiar with the basics of analog photography, he went through the whole process of developing and printing both color and b&w himself. That’s how the first reportage collections from journeys on the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America were made. The joining of a local photo association in 1998, made him extend his photographic know-how on studio shootings and opened the way to the participation on international, mostly under FIAP and PSA patronage, salons. His pictures got awarded in photography contests all over the world what allowed him the consecutive earning of FIAP distinctions. The yearlong successful experience in salon photography has made him a demanded international salon judge. Personal and group exhibitions is another important

focus of Romain’ work. He exposes annually in Luxembourg and had the opportunity to bring his work to a larger public on the occasion of exhibitions in Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Romania and Slovakia. Ten of his photos are part of the “Collection Nationale

of Luxembourg” a series of 69 pictures of Luxembourg, exhibited from 2007 on, throughout the world. Useless to say that in the meantime he turned into a true convert to digital photography. “Moments and spaces” is a project initiated some years ago in Berlin. The aim was to capture the individual in the vast and/or limited array of the surroundings he lives in.

“The tree session” is a photographic essay harmonizing the female body to the structures of nature.