János Eifert - Photographer

Pavel Makov (Ukrajna) – XXXV. Nemzetközi Művésztelep, Győr, 2003. július 11.


XXXV. Nemzetközi Művésztelep – Győr, 2003. június 23-július 14.

Résztvevő művészek: Eifert János fotóművész (Győr), Váli Dezső festőművész (Budapest), El Kazovszkij festőművész (Budapest), Ivan Csudai festőművész (Szlovákia), Helga Cmelka grafikusművész (Ausztria), Lenka Vilhelmova grafikusművész, installációs művész (Csehország), Pavel Makov grafikusművész (Ukrajna), Jerome Peyrat illusztrátor (Franciaország), Susan Leask installációművész (Anglia), Gabriella Fekete szobrászművész (Németország)

Pavel Makov Born 1958 in St. Petersburg, Makov works and lives in Kharkov (Ukraine). He graduated in 1978 from the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia. Makov shows his work internationally. He has received numerous awards for his graphics works including: in the Special Prize at the Osaka Triennale-1994. Osaka, Japan, Prize-winner, Triennale of Print.-1997, First Prize, National Triennale of Print, Kiev, Ukraine,the Grand-Prix. V Biennale of Print, Kaliningrad, Russia in 1998. Solo ex-hibitions include: “Fragments,”. City Art Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia, “Anatomy of a Target and Other Stories”, Graphelon Gallery, Prague; Groll Gallery, Naarden, Netherlands, 1999 and 1998

“Our Landscape”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Kiev, Ukraine, and “The Book of Days, Museum of Modern Life,” Fyn island, Denmark 2000. Selected Group Exhibitions include:! 995 The Book Garden, Contemporary Russian Artists’ Books, University Library, Manchester, UK, 1996 Moscow Studio, Corcoran Museum of Art, Washington D.C., USA and Russian-Ukrainian Art Books, Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, Moscow. Makov’s works are in public collections worldwide, including: The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, Moscow; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., State Museum or Ukrainian Art, Kiev, Ukraine and Norton & Nancy Dodge collec-tion at Zimmerii Museum in Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.