János Eifert - Photographer

5th Greek Photographic Circuit 2017 – International Photographic salon of fine art photography. Crete, Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodos – Görögország, 2017. február 23.

5th Greek Photographic Circuit 2017

International Photographic salon of fine art photography

Last Update 19.02.2017

Eifert János: Vágtató lovak a hóban / Galloping horses in the snow (Bocska,

Eifert János: Hajnali szertartás / Dawn ceremony (Bali, 2016.07.06.) Eifert János: Iraki asszonyok / Women from Iraque (Bagdad, 1975)

Eifert János: Tánc/Test/Tanulmány - Dance-Body-Study 2. Eifert János: Fodor József festőművész (2004)

Eifert János: Hajnal / Dawn (Szentliszló, 2016) Eifert János: Nyáj / Herd (1978)

Eifert János: Nude with red Drapery (Esztergom, 2014) Eifert János: Akt-tanulmány / Nude Study (Budapest, 2013) Eifert János: Geometria / Geometry (Budapest, 2013)

5th Greek Photographic Circuit 2017

International Photographic salon of fine art photography

Last Update 19.02.2017

1st Salon “CRETE” – Acceptances


DanceBodyStudy, Accepted (open-color)
Herd, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Geometry, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Nude Study, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Women from Iraq, Accepted (travel)
On the way to Kashgar, Accepted (travel)
Dawn ceremony in Bali, Accepted (travel)

2nd Salon “SANTORINI” – Acceptances

Nude with red Drapery, Accepted (open-color)
Dancer with his child, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Geometry, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Herd, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Dawn ceremony in Bali, Accepted (travel)

3rd Salon “MYKONOS” – Acceptances

Dawn, Accepted (nature)
Galloping horses in the snow, Accepted (open-color)
Nude Study, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Dancer with his child, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Herd, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Dawn ceremony in Bali, Accepted (travel)

4th Salon “RHODOS” – Acceptances


Dawn, Accepted (nature)
Nude with red Drapery, Accepted (open-color)
Josef Fodor the painter, Accepted (open-color)
DanceBodyStudy, Accepted (open-color)
Galloping horses in the snow, Accepted (open-color)
Herd, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Geometry, Accepted (open-monochrome)
Nude Study, Accepted (open-monochrome)
On the way to Kashgar, Accepted (travel)
Dawn ceremony in Bali, Accepted (travel)