János Eifert - Photographer
Archive for July 27th, 2010

Fotoklub Zagreb, Croatia. Invitation as chairman of the Jury for the 33rd Zagreb Salon


Ilica 29/III. Zagreb, Croatia; tel/faks:00 385 1 48 333 59; e-mail: fkz@fotoklubzagreb.hr

No.  20/10/PP/2010

Zagreb, 26rd July 2010

                                                                 Mr. János Eifert, AFIAP, EsFIAP,

Ex-President of the Association of Hungarian Photographers,

Budapest (Hungary)

Dear Sir János,

In my letter dated 17th July 2009  I have informed you that Fotoklub Zagreb is organizing 33rd Zagreb salon,  world known international exhibition of photography.  I also invited you to become a Jury member for the Zagreb salon.

Fotoklub Zagreb is one of the oldest photo amateur associations in Europe, founded at the very beginning of the photo amateur movement in Europe at 1892, organizing its first major exhibition at 1910, later named Zagreb salon. Therefore 33rd Zagreb salon will be organized on behalf of its 100 anniversary.

We have announced the competition and have sent the application forms on many addresses worldwide during January, closing it at July 2010 (more information on the web site http://www.fotoklubzagreb.hr/zagreb_salon.php).

We have received so far 286 packages with 1676 images from 424 authors and 50 Countries!

Dear Sir,

At the mid of the last year you have confirmed your willingness to participate as the Jury member of the 33rd Zagreb salon (judging and selection of images, awarding the prizes and other rewards).

The Jury members of the 33rd Zagreb Salon are János Eifert, AFIAP, EsFIAP, President of the Association of Hungarian Photographers, Budapest, Hungary, chairman of the Jury; Fulvio Merlak, BFI, AFIAP, President of the Italian Federation of Art Photography – FIAF  from Trst, Italy; Vasja Doberlet, MF FZS, EFIAP/s, President of the Photo society „Janez Puhar“ from Kranj, Slovenia; Danijela Lušin, professor of  photography and  Zdenko Kuzmić, professor of the  historyof art, from Zagreb, Croatia.

The Jury process is planned to be held on Saturday and Sunday, 4th and 5th of September 2010 at Fotoklub Zagreb, Ilica 29 in Zagreb. We have planned the meeting of the Jury and organisation staff to take place on Saturday at 9 a.m.

Please be so kind to confirm the date and time of your arrival, as well as your means of transportation. We would also like to know whether you are coming alone or with entourage. We would appreciate if you could confirm your arrival ASAP via electronic mail fkz@fotoklubzagreb.hr, as well as via my personal mail address vinko.sebrek@siol.net.

I would appreciate you mobile phone number as well, to keep in touch during your travel and visit to Croatia.

Respectfully yours,

Vinko Šebrek


Vinko Šebrek

President of the 33rd Zagreb salon

Honorary president of the  Fotoklub Zagreb


gsm:00 385 91 373 44 65

e.mail: vinko.sebrek@siol.net


tel/fax: 00 385 1 48 333 59



Damir Tiljak

President of the  Fotoklub Zagreb

e. mail: damir.tiljak@zg.htnet.hr